Dr. Nevin Karamahmut Mermer is a R&D Senior Engineer-Applied Research at Kalekim Chemicals Co. INC., Turkey from 2019 to till now. In 2013 – 2015 she was a Research and Development Engineer at Seranit Porcelain, Turkey and developed various projects relating to construction materials, such as odor-absorbing plaster, thermal insulation plaster and high-tech ceramics, Was instrumental in helping to secure 11 patents on behalf of the company. We were the most patented company in the construction sector in 2014-2015.She has a Research Experience during her master’s and Ph.D. studies at Yildiz Technical University, financially supported by the university as 2014 – 2018. Synthesis of amine-supported mesoporous silica adsorbents for CO2 adsorption 2014 – 2018 Reuse of waste solution obtained from the synthesis of zeolites from fly ash. Some of the Presentations, Papers and Posters by her are: Karamahmut Mermer, N., Ugur, N., Inceoglu, F., Kuzgun, F., Bakar, B., Unlu Pinar, E., Development of Non- VOC Interior Paint With Formaldehyde Removal Properties, November 10-13, 2022, Antalya, International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ICSEST). Karamahmut Mermer, N., Özkan, M.A., Genc, D., Unlu Pinar, E., Sustainable act for construction chemicals by using recycled biopolymer in cementitious tile adhesive, Oct04-05, 2022 London, 2nd Global Conference on Polymers, Plastics and Composites(PPC-2022). Karamahmut Mermer, N., Inceoglu, F., Ugur, N., Kuzgun, F., Cinar, F., Unlu Pinar, E., Eco-friendly Interior Wall Coating Improving Indoor Air Quality, 08-09 December 2021, Paintistanbul & Turkcoat 2021. Karamahmut Mermer, N., Inceoglu, F., Unlu Pinar, E., The Impact of Sand Moisture Content on the Microstructure and Performance of Cement-Based Ceramic Tile Adhesives, 15 September 2022, Istanbul, 7th Central and South European Drymix Mortar Conference.